Tuesday, 10 December 2013

These two photos All Things Microsoft disaster today

Steve Ballmer is CEO of Microsoft . He has been on the job for a while, but recently announced that he has quit. The fact that the output Ballmer announced without the simultaneous announcement of a successor is a good indication of pushed out the door by the board. And these photos taken Sunday around noon at the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City in Arlington, Virginia, show why .
Steve Ballmer is the Executive Director of Microsoft . EL ja State Working Time The UN lot , but recently announced it has De Disclaimer . The fact that the output itself Ballmer Announcement Announcement No simultaneous UN Successor is a good indication pushed him towards the door By The Board Directive . And these photos taken Sunday About noon on the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City in Arlington, Virginia, What portion shown ....
Of course , Microsoft operated for many years as a great company without retail shops around , so it's not as if the failure to build successful stores is the problem itself . The real problem is that there is nothing wrong with the store. It's a great place to shop. Much better than the Apple store , actually, because the Apple store is crowded , and it's a little difficult to get the attention of an employee . In the Microsoft store a pleasant physical environment and attentive staff is obtained. Is that nobody wants to buy their stuff.
It is still a very profitable company , with its enormous strengths in the enterprise market . But companies are made of people. If nobody wants to buy things from Microsoft , that have a positive effect up in the company.


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