Tuesday, 10 December 2013

'Time Code' expected to drive the future of computing students

" The Time Code " strives to arouse students' interest in computer technology .

With the growing demand of students with computer skills and programming, Code.org - a non- profit organization dedicated to expanding access to computer education - is the launch of the Time Code as part of Education Week in Computer Science from December 9 -15 .

Code.org challenge will be expected to arouse students' interest in learning more about computer technology.

"Today , we are surrounded by the Commerce technology. , Communication , entertainment, and more all rely on computers. Yet very few of us know how they actually work ," said CS Education Week in a statement release. " Computer science education is an increasingly important basis for success , and everyone can benefit from learning the basics. "

Following the publication last week of the latest results of the PISA tests that show American students lag behind their peers around the world, especially in preparation for mathematics , the initiative is to draw extra attention. President Barack Obama is lending his name to the project with a video that encourages students to take on the challenge .
Even if students do not intend to grow to become computer programmers , advocates insist the code learning can help students succeed in a wide range of skills.

" Everyone in this country should learn how to program a computer ... because it teaches you how to think ," said Steve Jobs, in a 1995 interview with Robert Cringely of PBS .

Students of any age can start by visiting the website or Code.org the Week Computer Science Education of the course , tutorials and inspirational videos. At press time , more than 2.3 million users had already beaten the time of the start button of the Code.

The activity provides a fun and engaging introduction to coding oriented programming for absolute beginners , and gives teachers the tools to set the time of code to their classrooms and advocating options class computer science in your district school .


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