Thursday 5 September 2013

Anthony Weiner: I married mine as 'Arab'.

Faded quickly in New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner will give new meaning to the word, and it is a flippant aspects to even fix their own online sexting dangers Carlos shy .

On Wednesday, hours before . Beginning of New Year Jewish Weiner was embroiled in the face of eroding the Jewish Orthodox in a bakery in the neighborhood heavily Orthodox Brooklyn 's the borough since it is not a religious Daniels show . justify his faith by the lion in his own room as a place for political confrontation that has been selected.

Time scanner that makes it even worse , he had to stop and buy snacks in the campaign of the Jewish New Year tradition in particular . Hours before the start of the beginning of Rosh Hashana . Day of judgment and the compensation that resulted with the holiday of Yom Kippur , the holiest in Judaism.

Weiner was leaving the store after a few minutes of banter with the customers and help when a man such as that will be. Picked up by many videographers: " You really aggressive Anthony ". .

The reference of course is to Weiner's problem is repeated sexting , which forced him out of Congress , he was the one to point in his race for the Democratic nomination mayor , but he was forced to admit that even . a promise he failed to take his finger off the button electronic transmission electron danger he adopted the nom de Carlos again to send lewd pictures of himself, but somehow failed him . Disguise failed to work.

Video of the confrontation went viral Wednesday after some posted on Memo Points to Discuss Weiner campaign Wednesday evening released a six- minute, ostensibly to provide context, but also good for those who like a car wreck politics.

Weiner video shows cows that have been his trademark feistiness - for better or worse.

"Very nice in front of the children, " Weiner snapped back to his heckler .

" You are married to Arab disgusting " man said .

Wife Weiner's Huma Abedin, aide to longtime to Hillary Rodham Clinton, standing behind her husband through all the woes sexting him a disappointment to many people who support the . Clinton and Hillary wanted to see the presidential race in 2016 .

"You have the nerve to walk around in public, " the man said , " You're disgusting. " .

" You judge my " Weiner Jewish friend said " what the teacher taught you that you are my judge " .

"You're a bad example for people ," the man answered , " your behavior is not deviant behavior normal " .

"How do you have the moral authority to judge me? " Weiner countered .

Throughout the campaign, the scandal - marred his Weiner has resisted calls by the New York politics and journalism. The establishment will be reduced from the primary Tuesday , he confirmed that the elections . Should be judged solely on his peccadilloes .

No wonder polls show that his popularity has dropped and his quixotic drive to reinvent his political career seems unlikely . To be successful on the ballot in New York next week, he is standing at around 7%, eclipsing the edge of error, but the other three candidates drawn .

Weiner defended his shot at Brooklyn bakery, arguing that he had no choice but to defend the honor . His family, his

" He said something in earshot me, but not to me and says something outrageous , some pretty obvious that he did not expect that I will not stand still for it and I think I will keep him . in his place, " Weiner told reporters later.

"Just because someone is running for office does not mean you have the right to say whatever vile abomination . You want. " .


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