Thursday 12 September 2013

WTC treatment program logo: Artists Picture the Twin Towers in the memorial opened.

Ji Lee, Artist concept based in New York City is planning a memorial dedicated to hearty slow disappearance of the twin towers.

Lee started the project titled WTC logo treatment , not long after the Sept. 11, 2001 , when he began to notice the logo throughout the New York City skyline featuring the two towers . Images that represent small businesses that need dry cleaning Delis and its move to show their logo on canvas trucks and billboards all over Manhattan .
" I experienced a strange mixture of sadness and joy at seeing the symbol Towers standing majestically as if nothing has happened, " the artist writes on his website . " These logos will not last forever, a lot of small businesses will either .
Update their logos at some point, or close their doors in the end. The Twin Towers tragedy is lost forever. " .

In an effort to keep these logos - artifacts of New York City before the attacks of 9/11 - Lee started shooting photo collection on the site and the Flickr Collection includes his dozens upon dozens of logos. unique by Lee and others who choose to participate in the public

"When I started the project, I also asked them to send a photo of the logo on the Twin Towers , and I get many photos . Thus, it became a project is open for others to join, " Lee wrote in an email to The Huffington Post " is a sort of Easter egg hunt game for me. Whenever I was on the streets of New York to find a logo that I want to see it. " .

Scroll through the images below to view the new WTC memorial project. If you want to join in the effort to ensure this website here .


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