Sunday, 22 September 2013

User's Guide: 20 things to know about the Affordable Care Act.

Hat do you need to know about the Affordable Care Act , aka Obamacare, the health reform law , or " health care overhaul . Federal "?

It 's also spacious and despite what you may have heard of it happening.

And it would have changed. Many things . About how you can get health care , whether or not you are one of the more than 1 million people now uninsured , many of whom may benefit directly .

General purpose ACA is to start to pull and push to persuade everyone to go into the " pool " Big - insured , in short , that is because some of the system of care. health have come to believe that it was crazy to have health "insurance" is essential if you become too sick to work , and of course if you do not work - and even if you can find a job , low pay lots of money - you . will not be able to buy insurance in the first place.

No one ever tried to argue that there is no health insurance somehow magically keeps people from getting sick, they get sick and they seek treatment in the emergency room or clinic , " free" , depending . with funding from taxes and donations .

This "cost shifting " - get someone else to pay the cost - the cost has increased in many "others " tend to be employers and steep increase in the cost of their health has prompted pushback.

A fair way to do this, proponents of the law. Healthcare . Argued that the spread . Burden more widely . To do so, the bits and pieces of the increase in the tax law .

Picture of the near future is not all rosy to many people entering the system creates its own problems concerned enough primary care physicians to care for everyone ? Or the health care system may be adapted to other skilled workers such as nurses , to full advantage.

User of the Affordable Care Act .
20 things to know about the Affordable Care Act .
In view of the medical profession : a time of turmoil and change 'for the providers of care.
Obamacare Q & A: The answer to the question. Your most urgent .
Profile of Washington residents facing the health care changes .
' Leader ' to support the buyer to sort out a plan.
Insurance exchange : 8 multiple carriers plan to make the selection .
Do not be fooled by websites that are similar to the exchange of health official .
Tips to use Healthplanfinder.
Health care , saying: Glossary .
Interactive AP: Health overhaul time - .
And cost . Remains one of the biggest problems - and one in Criticized . The most serious of the law. Federal drug companies , doctors , hospitals , insurance companies , equipment manufacturers and others to migrate all revenue costs will just keep rising ?

As a whole . Countries where we do not judge , but the best way to get the cost of a catch - one that has been recognized . In politics already .

One of the challenges . The largest. ACA advocates say that will help people understand the value of health care and insurance, when you need it.

So this is what the ACA and what you should know at 20 what is know as you try to understand the new law and the wave of change that is only the beginning.


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