Friday, 30 August 2013

Bella Beowulf poet Seamus O Irish soil and controversy, died at 74.

Seamus O B Wolfe , 1995 Nobel Prize in literature , which is often called the Irish poet . Greatest since Yeats died in Dublin on Friday , he was 74.
Publisher Faber & Faber announced his death, the Irish poet Paul Muldoon, longtime friend , said Mr. Bay City Wolves have been hospitalized . After the fall . On Thursday, the Bay City Wolves have suffered in 2006 .

In which President Michael D. Higgins, a poet himself , praised Ireland's "support for the Republic of Letters, guilt. And humanity , "said Bay City Wolves of Enda Kenny, the Irish prime minister , said the death of Mr B , O Beowulf has brought " great sorrow in the Irish language and literature " .

Roman Catholic in Northern Ireland, Mr B Wolfe is known. For efficient operation the beauty and blood that have come together to define the conditions Irish modern author of more than a dozen collections of poetry as well as essays and important works for the stage . he Repeatedly explored the conflicts and uncertainties that adversity. His hometown . While management . Simultaneously to . Steer clear of the hassle.

Mr. B , O Beowulf (pronounced HEE - Nee) , who has made his home in Dublin since 1970, is known for its wide, white hair and voice and the sound is very appropriate to his calls , he held lectureships. at some of the world's leading universities , including Harvard , beginning in 1980, he teaches regularly. For many years; Ford and the University of California . At Berkeley .

As noted, the trade magazine publishing weekly in 1995, the Bay City Wolves " are inspired if not . Energy Star shared by contemporary poets few have emanated from his leonine features and feel. The responsibility of the municipality unpompous immediate access to his line . "

Throughout the work of Mr. B in Wolfe 's obsession with morality in his bog peat is not just a feature . A symbol of the Irish landscape ; It is also a fen deep spiritual sense of ethical conundrums that have long covered the place.

" Yeats, despite being fairly well known , despite his public role . In fact, there is nothing like a celebrity or not , frankly, the ability to touch people in a way that Seamus did not , "said Muldoon , Pulitzer Prize winning poet and editor at The New Yorker. Said in an interview . On Friday, " It's almost like he was indistinguishable from his country like a rock star who also happens to be a poet ."

Mr. B , O Beowulf was enraptured as he had been placed by poetic quality of his epiphanic gradually spread with BC According to legend, " words are the bearers of history. And mystery. " - Celtic of course , but also that of the ancient Greek his style , dazzling language is nonetheless lacking in confusion, unable to join his fireworks.

The best work of Mr. B , O Beowulf is the nature of music , meditation and high airy lines , he may collect dark sad puddles , but as often as they have not been communicating happiness onrushing forest of . alive

The result - a finely crafted work is straightforward , especially making - Mr Wolf Bay in one of the most widely read poets in the world.

Reviewing the collection of Mr. B , O Beowulf "North " in the New York Review of Books in 1976 , Irish poet Richard Murphy writes: "The same power that He has even critics sternest counsel with respect is that . he can feel as you read the poem that you are actually doing what they described not only his words mean what they said they would like their meaning . " .

Mr. B , O Beowulf made ​​his reputation with the release of his "The Death of Nature ," published in 1966 in the " dig" a poem from the collection , he explored the roots of his art .

Between the index finger and my thumb .

Pen crouching ; Warm gun .

Under my window a clean rasping .

When the spade sinks into gravelly ground .

I dug my father looking down .

Until his straining rump among the flowers .

Low bending up twenty years away .

Fell in rhythm through potato drills .

Where he was digging .

Rough boot is on the shaft .

Jimmy 's knees in tight .

He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge deep

We choose to distribute the new potatoes ,.

Love their cool hardness in our hands .

By God, the old man . Can handle a shovel.

Just like his old man .

My grandfather cut more turf in a day.

Than any other in the bog cartridges.

When I brought him milk in a bottle.

corked sloppily with paper, he straightened up .

To drink it, then fell to right away.

nicking and slicing neatly carried sods .

Over his shoulder down and down.

Good for lawn mines.

Cold smell of potato mold and slapped .

Of wet peat cutting short of the edge.

Through living roots awaken in my head.

Spade to follow men , but I do not like them.

Between the index finger and my thumb .

Pen crouching .

I will dig it.

Although Mr B , O Beowulf poem often set the refreshing lack of rural romanticism , notably : instead he suggests life of the country , in fact . Everyday violence of all his poems , " drinking water" opened this way .

She came every morning to fetch water .

Like an old bat staggering up tennis .

Pertussis pump , the noise of the tank .

And slow diminuendo as it filled.

I remember her announcement .

Her gray apron pocked white enamel .

The tank is full and the treble .

Creak of her voice like the pump .

The Bay City Wolves feel themselves identified as Irish , and much of his work is concerned with the conflict openly . Long sectarian violence in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century as known.ut although he denounced the British rule in his homeland (he wrote : "Be on my green passport / glass , we never have . been raised / to celebrate the Queen " ), Mr. B , O Beowulf refused to reject the tradition - and especially English literature - England altogether.


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